Warts and skin formations
In modern medicine, there are several methods to remove skin formations:
– Surgery;
– Electrosurgical (to remove with electrococagulator);
– Cryo-surgical (to remove by liquid nitrogen );
– Chemical (Used in a special chemical fluid);
– laser (used laser hardware);
– RadioSurgical
All these methods have their advantages and disadvantages. In any case there is more or less visible scar, when you remove them by Surgical removal method. In the case of electrosurgical method, the scar is more noticeable. By removal of liquid nitrogen and chemical solutions, it is difficult to determine the depth of damaging action of these reactions, sometimes this is the cause of the scarring, whose healing process is long. Also, there is a chance that skin formation will not be completely removed by one procedure and the patient will extend the treatment.
In our clinic the papillomas, warts and other formations of the skin ( fibroids, atheros, keratoms, etc.), removal is made with the latest laser and radio wave machines. The most important is that after procedure there is no any trace (or it is hardly noticeable). The equipment used by us is consistent with all the requirements that modern medicine provides for safety.
The procedure is performed by local anesthesia, after the procedure on the skin remains a little trace which disappears in 1-2 weeks.
We carry out a completely painless and practically irritable skin procedure and dermabrazzas (scalled scyphoca) with our latest equipment.